Digital Experiences

Banking Advice

The Future of Seamless Banking and Financial Advice: EU/UK vs. North America

Shikatani Lacroix Design (SLD) was invited to speak at the ebankIT Summit in Portugal on the future of seamless advice and its impact on customer loyalty in the banking sector. The presentation was based on a consumer study with a detailed comparison of the banking industry in North America and the EU/UK. It revealed nuanced

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Flow TRANSFORMation THAT FLOWS Uniting a cable and a wireless brand into a transformational experience store featuring an adaptive digital content system. CLIENT CWC PROJECT Flow Caribbean Retail Store Design RELATED SERVICE Retail DesignDigital Experiences THINK With the amalgamation of two brands into one, Flow was redesigned with an adaptive digital content system for a

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What’s Annoying Customers With Digital Signage and How To Fix It

Digital signage, when used effectively, can be a powerful weapon for capturing the hearts and minds of consumers during their shopping experience. Many merchants now use digital signage to promote bargains, content, and other offerings throughout their networks. The misuse of digital signage, on the other hand, can irritate customers, leading to complaints about obtrusive

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Theft versus Experience: A Behavioral Approach to Self-Checkouts

Self-checkouts should be working better than they do. Although consumers are warming up to them, theft related to a cashier-less experience is so extreme that some retailers are pulling them out. Others are amping up deterrence measures, but many of these practices are rubbing consumers the wrong way. Is there a better approach? In this

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Revolutionizing Healthcare: Exploring the Promising Future of Robots and AI in Medicine

The integration of robotics and AI is one of the most exciting advancements in the healthcare industry in recent years. From pharmacies to medical spas, healthcare experiences are increasingly incorporating robotics technology to improve patient care and efficiency. In this blog post, we’ll look at the future of robotics in healthcare through the lens of

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Why Digital Signage Content Design Is The Best Way To Connect Locally

With the introduction of digital displays and, more importantly, the limitless possibilities of digital signage content designs, signage has entered the technological era. Any screen that a company can use to display any type of content, such as public information, internal content for employees, product and service offerings to customers, and promotions driving brand awareness,

Why Digital Signage Content Design Is The Best Way To Connect Locally Read More »

Bank transformation

5 Interesting Ways to Humanize the Banking Customer Experience

The Banking Experience Summit recently convened leading bankers from three continents in Chicago to discuss the industry’s challenges and the future of banking. The two-day event drew more than 40 top institutions, ranging from large national and regional banks like JP Morgan Chase and Regions Bank to a diverse range of mid-sized institutions and credit

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5 Best Personalized Retail Experiences

E-commerce and personalization have forever altered the retail customer experience. Modern consumers expect tailored customer journeys in their retail experiences, which many retailers are delivering through personalized shopping, including personalized tunic Greek clothing options. Retail personalization gives customers a consistent shopping experience across all touchpoints. Creating personalized retail experiences is important because it emotionally connects

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M&M Food Market FROM FREEZER TO TABLE A complete reimagining of a brand through the lens of experience CLIENT M&M Food Market PROJECT M&M Transformation Project RELATED SERVICE Brand Strategy & Positioning, Corporate Identity, Retail Design, Visual Identity Design, Private Label Design & Optimization, Web Design, Digital Signage THINK M&M Food Market, a frozen foods specialty grocer,

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Person drawing smile with finger on a blue background

Measuring what matters

How do you measure experience? This is the question SLD’s recent study aims to answer. Justifying the business case for transformation through return-on-investment metrics has been a critical challenge for financial institutions on the path to “physi-digital” experiences.  However, some factors are more easily measured than others. The emphasis on supporting business decisions with fact-based,

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Woman and digitalization

Five Ways to Fill the Digital Transformation Gap for Retail Brands

The Current State of Transformation   Digital transformation, for many institutions, has ended at the doorstep of their retail channels. The pandemic has accelerated the growth of both Amazon and Fintech, forcing banks and retailers to shift their focus to digital to help drive sales and customer retention. However, as digital transformation efforts mature and

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What Will 2022 Look Like for Retail Brands?

2021 was not the year many had hoped for. The pandemic, natural disasters, inflation, supply chain issues and a persistently polarized planet has put humanity’s resilience to the test. Yet, with the new year’s arrival, there is renewed hope that conditions will stabilize and provide retailers with a clearer look ahead. As a future-focused strategic

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How CPG Brands Can Elevate Their Social Media Presence

Though the popularity of online shopping was trending upwards even before COVID-19, the past year and a half has seen a dramatic increase in online sales across a wide range of industries. While expected categories like household supplies, food delivery and personal care products saw significant growth, one of the largest jumps has been in

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5 Things Banks Need to Know About Gen Z

About half of Gen Z are now over 18 and are making adult financial decisions. As banks and other financial institutions look to the future, what does this diverse young generation want? In this blog, we explore emerging trends in banking preference and behavior, the driving forces behind these changes, and what banks can do

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