Brand Engagement


The Power of Puzzle-Solving and Lotteries for CPG Brands

In an age of information overload, consumer attention is more divided than ever. CPG brands are constantly searching for new strategies to not only capture attention but to hold it. This brings us to the simple yet powerful tool of gamification. Our 2023 research “Gamification for CPG: The Power of Simple Games and Rewards” demonstrated that […]

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How Supermarket Brands Can Make Grocery Shopping Fun

Grocery retailers fared better than most through the past five years: despite the pandemic, supply chain disruptions, global conflicts, and inflation, supermarkets are thriving. People need to eat, so it could be assumed supermarkets are invulnerable. However, two key factors suggest otherwise. Firstly, competition intensifies with international discount brands, with Lidl and Aldi entering North

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5 Great Examples of Private Label Design in Grocery Retail

In a world where inflation and the rising cost of living have become increasingly apparent, private labels are emerging as go-to brands for affordability and quality. These private labels, not limited to grocery chains but also found in discount retailers and cosmetics brands, offer a compelling alternative to national brands. What makes these private labels

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What can CPG brands learn from packaging design in Europe?

In the previous blog, we explored how culture influences creativity, starting with inspiration from the continent of Asia. This time, we’re heading to Europe, a place where packaging design has a long and fascinating history. European packaging design is known for its versatility, combining both classic and modern styles of design. It’s a diverse world

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Indie Brand Launch Kit: How to Set Your Brand Up for Success

Starting a business is like building a house – there are some fundamentals you must get right to ensure it stays standing and provides a foundation for the future. From building a business case to naming and branding, this toolkit will help entrepreneurs and indie brands build a solid foundation. This easy-to-follow worksheet will help

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The Power of Concept Stores with Little or No Inventory

Concept stores are an innovative departure from conventional brick-and-mortar stores, offering carefully curated, immersive encounters with a brand. Investing in a store that features minimal or no products on-site seems bold and costly. Why should brands consider such an investment? While profitability might not be the immediate outcome, concept stores possess great marketing potential. Their

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How to Reduce Customer Attrition in Banking: Insights and Strategies

How To Overcome Customer Attrition? From NPS scores to customer account depth and new customer acquisition, financial institutions track a plethora of metrics to gauge the health of their business. But what if these metrics are lagging predictors of future success, and financial institutions need to focus on what is truly important? As seen on

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The State Of Banking: Achieving The Ideal Customer Experience

Building on our 2017 North American Retail Banking Stealth Attrition study and the follow-up, Measuring what Matters, in this paper we explore the state of the banking industry across the globe, leveraging insights from hundreds of thousands of respondents across three continents through Statista’s global quarterly surveys. Through enormous data, we explore the current state

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Why Effective Visual Communication is Absolutely Critical to Sustainable Retail

We know consumers want to make sustainable choices – and yet the gap between their intent and action on sustainability is often big. This intention-action gap in sustainable behavior has spurred a significant amount of research in the field of behavioral insights. Many different interventions are being tested to see how we can better deliver

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Bank Customer Experience Summit 2022

The Bank Customer Experience (BCX) Summit provides bank executives with powerful insights into financial trends, as well as highlight innovative technology that will assist today’s financial institutions in transforming themselves to serve consumers now and in the future.   TRANSCRIPT Jean-Pierre Lacroix First of all, thank you very much for joining us today. It’s

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Person drawing smile with finger on a blue background

Measuring what matters

How do you measure experience? This is the question SLD’s recent study aims to answer. Justifying the business case for transformation through return-on-investment metrics has been a critical challenge for financial institutions on the path to “physi-digital” experiences.  However, some factors are more easily measured than others. The emphasis on supporting business decisions with fact-based,

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Patricia smiling

The Future of the Hospitality Industry

Every other day, you read a headline about labor shortages hurting restaurants and hospitality. In some places, companies are recruiting 14-year-olds, while others are offering big signing bonuses. Many restaurants are closing their doors several days a week because they don’t have enough staff to stay open, further hurting businesses that have managed barely to

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How CPG Brands Can Elevate Their Social Media Presence

Though the popularity of online shopping was trending upwards even before COVID-19, the past year and a half has seen a dramatic increase in online sales across a wide range of industries. While expected categories like household supplies, food delivery and personal care products saw significant growth, one of the largest jumps has been in

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5 Things Banks Need to Know About Gen Z

About half of Gen Z are now over 18 and are making adult financial decisions. As banks and other financial institutions look to the future, what does this diverse young generation want? In this blog, we explore emerging trends in banking preference and behavior, the driving forces behind these changes, and what banks can do

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Physi-Digital: Humanizing Digital Transformation for Retail

Transformation is messy and carries a high degree of failure, with more than 84 percent of digital transformations failing and more than 9 billion dollars going to waste. The pandemic has increased the risk due to the accelerated need for organizations to digitally transform themselves to respond to the shift to online shopping, home delivery,

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Physi-Digital: Humanizing Digital Transformation for Healthcare

Transformation is challenging and comes with many risks. Every year more than 9 billion dollars go to waste as transformation initiatives fail to deliver on their promise. The pandemic may have forced the acceleration of many digital transformation initiatives, but in the rush to address immediate needs, there is a risk that long-term goals have

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