Brand Strategy


The Power of Puzzle-Solving and Lotteries for CPG Brands

In an age of information overload, consumer attention is more divided than ever. CPG brands are constantly searching for new strategies to not only capture attention but to hold it. This brings us to the simple yet powerful tool of gamification. Our 2023 research “Gamification for CPG: The Power of Simple Games and Rewards” demonstrated that […]

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Win The Race Of Branch Transformation: 5 Strategies For Banks

A massive investment swing from digital transformation to retail networks is happening among financial institutions. Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and PNC Bank recently made headlines with their billiondollar investments in branch refresh and transformation programs, which impact thousands of locations across the U.S. At the same time, many financial institutions are consolidating their networks,

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Navigate And Win The Branch Transformation Race

Many of the world’s largest banks are investing in redesigning their physical networks to better serve their customers. As financial institutions realize the impact that branches have on customer loyalty, it has become increasingly important to prioritize the physical experience. How can mid-size or regional banks keep up? Our webinar, “Navigate And Win The Branch Transformation

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How Supermarket Brands Can Make Grocery Shopping Fun

Grocery retailers fared better than most through the past five years: despite the pandemic, supply chain disruptions, global conflicts, and inflation, supermarkets are thriving. People need to eat, so it could be assumed supermarkets are invulnerable. However, two key factors suggest otherwise. Firstly, competition intensifies with international discount brands, with Lidl and Aldi entering North

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Customer Experience Transformation

Six Things That Banks Should Avoid During Customer Experience Transformation

For banks, Customer Experience (CX) transformation is full of challenges and opportunities. As markets evolve, new regulations are introduced, and financial behaviors shift, businesses must adapt and reinvent themselves to stay relevant. Drawing insights from our studies, particularly from our white papers “Overcoming Stealth Attrition In Retail Banking” in 2017 and “How Branch-Focused Customer Experiences

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AI Regulations

How will AI be Regulated? What Brands Need to Know

Lawmakers around the world are scrambling to regulate advanced artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The European Union (EU) recently passed the Artificial Intelligence Act, while President Biden has signed several executive orders regarding advanced AI. Canada’s Bill C-27, not yet passed, attempts to regulate AI but has come under heavy criticism for being insufficient. As retail

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5 Great Examples of Private Label Design in Grocery Retail

In a world where inflation and the rising cost of living have become increasingly apparent, private labels are emerging as go-to brands for affordability and quality. These private labels, not limited to grocery chains but also found in discount retailers and cosmetics brands, offer a compelling alternative to national brands. What makes these private labels

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Grocery Cost

Value-based Grocery Shopping: The Opportunities for CPG Brands

In today’s challenging economic landscape with high inflation, many consumers are becoming increasingly budget-conscious with grocery shopping. As a result, discount and value-based retailers have been more popular as go-to destinations for some shoppers trying to minimize food costs. Research by Statista shows that the share of grocery store shoppers using Dollarama has increased by

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Indie Brand Launch Kit: How to Set Your Brand Up for Success

Starting a business is like building a house – there are some fundamentals you must get right to ensure it stays standing and provides a foundation for the future. From building a business case to naming and branding, this toolkit will help entrepreneurs and indie brands build a solid foundation. This easy-to-follow worksheet will help

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The Power of Concept Stores with Little or No Inventory

Concept stores are an innovative departure from conventional brick-and-mortar stores, offering carefully curated, immersive encounters with a brand. Investing in a store that features minimal or no products on-site seems bold and costly. Why should brands consider such an investment? While profitability might not be the immediate outcome, concept stores possess great marketing potential. Their

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Building Brand Trust in an Age of Deep Fakes, Bot Factories & Angry AI

In 2021 we launched a consumer study series to understand how misinformation impacted consumers. We discovered that despite an emerging skepticism, there was a high level of optimism as the pandemic appeared to be subsiding and life was finally “returning to normal.” Today, inflation, the war in Ukraine, climate-related extreme weather, and political division unfolding

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Think outside the box

Breaking Category Norms: 6 Brands That Went Against The Flow

In the world of brand strategy, there are norms in each category that are considered to be the wisdom of the day. These rules are in flux, responding to changing market dynamics and consumer expectations, but it is uncommon for brands to deviate from norms. Occasionally, however, someone decides to go against the flow. In

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What Can CPG Brands Learn From Packaging Design In Asia?

In Canada, an ethnically and culturally diverse country, it’s not hard to find CPG products imported from Asia. What can CPG brands in North America learn from their designs? From the sleek simplicity of Japanese packages to the playful charm of South Korean designs and the intricate artistry of Indian creations, the variety and creativity

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