
Lacroix Discusses AR, VR, and Neuroscience on HOW Design Live Podcast

Jean-Pierre Lacroix, President of Shikatani Lacroix, joined Ilise Benun on the HOW Design Live Podcast to discuss his upcoming presentation at HOW Design Live.

Shikatani Lacroix has pioneered the combination of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), and neuroscience to design spaces that engage and attract customers. Jean-Pierre Lacroix discusses how this research empowers designers to create emotional connections with consumers in a much deeper way than traditional research methods.

In this conversation with Ilise Benun, the founder of, Jean-Pierre describes the realities of working with these disruptive technologies and how they can positively impact the design process. He also explains collaborative design and how to hire designers who are ready and willing to produce great work that innovates and borrows from neuroscience research.

Jean-Pierre will expand on these ideas on Friday, May 5 at HOW Design Live with his presentation “Getting into Shoppers’ Heads with AR, VR and Neuroscience.”

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