PepsiCo Foods Canada
CHEETOS®, the much-loved crunchy and cheesy treats, needed fun package designs for their uniquely Canadian LTOs. With flavors from ketchup to pizza, shapes from maple leaves to paws, our goal was to ensure customer engagement at the snack shelf. For maple leaf-shaped CHEETOS®, the design needed to communicate that these snacks were the ultimate choice for gatherings and celebrations. Ketchup-flavored CHEETOS® had to be visually distinctive from other snacks of the same flavor, all while maintaining the mischievous spirit of the signature CHESTER CHEETAH®.
To bring the irresistible flavor to life, an open ketchup bottle is featured in the hand of CHESTER CHEETAH®, who has written the word “KETCHUP” across the package – in saucy ketchup, of course. Young, playful CHESTER CHEETAH® wears a red maple leaf hat with a maple leaf in one design, and a chef hat for pizza-flavored CHEETOS®. For the “LEAVES” design, Chester enjoys tossing the leaf-shaped snacks into his mouth in a picnic scene, where it appears he is celebrating Canada Day. His gregarious grin seems to say, “Hey Canada, Ready for a wild snack-time adventure with your favorite Cheetah?”