
International Trade Council Names SLD a Business of the Year

As part of The International Trade Council’s 2019 Think Global Conference, SLD was happy to attend the Go Global Awards on October 23 in Chicago, and to be awarded Business of the Year in the category of Retail and eCommerce – Marketing.

“We are beyond excited to be recognized by such a prestigious organization,” says Jean-Pierre Lacroix, President of SLD. “From starting out as a small design agency in Toronto to now having a global presence with teams in Shanghai and New York City, this award shows that we really are making waves on an international level.”

The annual Go Global Awards “celebrate the businesses that are driving international trade through their innovations, technologies and strategies.” With over 200 entrants from across North America, those that were selected as finalists were required to deliver in-person presentations to a panel of judges before winners for each category were selected.

Along with presenting on behalf of SLD, Jean-Pierre Lacroix was also a featured speaker and moderator at the 2019 Think Global Conference. Jean-Pierre’s topic, “Six Steps to Future-Proofing Your Organization,” focused on the idea of Strategic Foresight and how organizations can prepare for hidden trends, ideas and events that may be around the corner.

To learn more about Jean-Pierre’s presentation, click here.

JP Lacroix Presenting at Think Global Conference

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